April 27, 2008
The Hon. Ambassdor
Your Excellency,
The Hon. Ambassdor
Embassy of Uganda
Washington D.C.
Your Excellency,
Re: Andrew Mwenda, Odobo Bichachi, and John Njorog
I am writing to express my great concern about the recent arrest of three Ugandan journalists: Andrew Mwenda, Odobo Bichachi, and John Njorog. I know one of them and he is a man of great integrity and a friend and asset to Uganda. I urge you to urge your government to release those men and to avoid any further embarrassment of the government of Uganda.
A nation whose government cannot tolerate criticism is a nation that will know only poverty and stagnation. A free press is an essential condition for the progress of a nation in every respect: economic, educational, scientific, political, and social.
I hope that you will urge your government to correct this terrible mistake.
Tom G. Palmer, D.Phil.
Senior Fellow and Vice President for International Programs.
Cato Institute
Director, Center for Promotion of Human Rights
Director, Cato University