Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Many Africans, including Burkinabe’s must be feeling squeamish and betrayed at the citation which greeted Burkina Faso’s $480.9 million Millennium Challenge Compact funds signing ceremony at the White House on Monday, July 14. Downplaying the political theories (some suggest the grant was given in exchange for Burkina Faso’ support for the U.S. at the U.N.), it’s a real insult to ordinary Burkinabes whose lives have not improved after torrents of such wreckless waste of tax payer money.
U.S. Secretary of State, Condi Rice said "The United States wants Burkina Faso’s compact to succeed in every way – for the benefit of the people of Burkina Faso and as a model of stability and growth in West Africa," May be Condi Rice’s attention needs to be drawn to today’s U.K.’s Daily Telegraph story in which President Blaise Compaore, along side some of his shady comrades has been cited for the wrong reason- corruption!
"Private jets, Bugatti cars, a shark-filled aquarium and enough bank accounts to paper the new luxury yacht – the extraordinary capacity of some African leaders and their families for apparent self-enrichment has been laid bare in a French lawsuit over allegedly stolen state money." Read the entire Daily Telegraph article here