IMANI Named Top Go-To Think Tank in Africa and Globally

Top 25 Think Tanks in Southern Africa (including Sub-Saharan Africa)

Table # 9

Think Tank

1. Centre for Conflict Resolution – South Africa

2. South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) – South Africa

3. Institute for Security Studies (ISS) – South Africa

4. Free Market Foundation – South Africa

5. Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) – Senegal

6. IMANI Center for Policy and Education – Ghana

7. Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD) – South Africa

8. Africa Institute of South Africa – South Africa

9. African Center for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD)– South Africa

10. Centre for Development Studies – Ghana

11. Centre for Policy Analysis (CEPA) – Ghana

12. Initiative for Public Policy Analysis – Nigeria

13. Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA) – South Africa

14. Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) – Kenya

15. Kenya Institute for Public Policy – Kenya

16. Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (NIIA) – Nigeria

17. Centre for Policy Studies – South Africa

18. Institute for Justice and Reconciliation – South Africa

19. Centre for Development and Enterprise – South Africa

20. Electoral Institute of Southern Africa (EISA) – South Africa

21. Institute for Statistical, Social, and Economic Research – Ghana

22. Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) – Ghana

23. South African Institute of Race Relations – South Africa

24. Ghana Centre for Democratic Development – Ghana

T25. Institute for Policy Alternatives – Ghana

T25. Institute of Economic Affairs – Ghana

Note: Two institutions were tied for the 25th spot in rankings so both are listed above.

For a complete list of the top think tanks in other regions of the world please go here.