Thursday, July 16, 2009
For more please read
IMANI Thought Leaders Forum Series 2009
Professionalism or Partisanship: Whither Ghana? When a member of the Officer Corps of an elite branch of Ghana’s Armed Forces felt that the revolutionary winds blowing across the country he had so faithfully served for several years will stain the fabric of discipline and break the "Espirit de Corps", he dropped his commission, and decamped to exile, in protest.
When a senior manager at a major aviation hub in Germany, overseeing an extensive range of logistical operations, detected that excel as he might he would never be able to influence the course of history in Germany.
He made time to meet a young, former, professional colleague of his who had one proposition for him: "help me turn banking RIGHT SIDE UP in Ghana".
When in December 2008 Ghana was in a political stalemate and some people were contemplating all sorts of "options" to stay in power or capture power, one man stood up and spoke clearly, demanding that the powers that be do the right thing- keeping the stability of the country. He spoke for many. Fortunately the powers listened, and for that, we are being hailed as a stronger democracy. The prestigious Foreign Policy Magazine has just ranked Ghana the least failed state in Africa. In other words, Ghana is Africa’s best state.
The tales above have two things in common. One: they refer to the purity of professionalism, as expressed through the unbending will of the professional not to settle for mediocrity in order to fit in, or to settle down in the comfort zone of already conquered territory. For the professional is a crack trooper: he must take new ground.
Two: the stories both refer to one man.
IMANI Centre for Policy & Education, with support from, proudly presents for your intellectual pleasure:
(Of "A Loan in 48 Hours" fame)
at the British Council on July 24th, 3:45pm to 6PM
in an interactive session around the theme:
How to Win the Civil Service & take the Fight to Political Partisanship
Come prepared for a strategy session to suggest tactical maneuvers against corruption, and reconnaissance tactics to identify new talent for the public service; logistical plans to ensure fair remuneration; and field operations to engage the grassroots. This is the War for Ghana’s Soul.
Admission is Free. But make extra allowance to pick up some interesting books. Expect to meet many of Ghana’s most interesting people. Email or Call Mavis Mawudeku at and 021-417094 or mobile 0244 973 951 right away to book one of the limited seats available. Light refreshments to follow main event.
Yours ever,
Franklin Cudjoe
Founding Director, IMANI