World’s Most Amazing Event Comes to Accra Courtesy of Ghanaian Think-Tank

Saturday, August 01, 2009  

                        Participants listening to a lecrture by Gabby Otchere-Darko                                                           

Every year some of the world’s most amazing people gather in California for what is arguably the world’s most prestigious informal event.

Bill Gates, Al Gore, Gordon Brown, Bill Clinton and Billy Graham are all alumni. The invitation-only event sells out a full year in advance.

Preview the Ghanaian version here

To bring this awesome experience to more people, TED created a licensing program called TEDx that allows independent organizers to recreate the experience in their own localities.

IMANI, in another West African first, was recently granted a license to bring the TEDx experience to Ghana, yep, right here in Accra.

On August 4th 2009 at the Coconut Grove Hotel in Ridge, you could experience the power of Great Ideas to Cause Transformation from 10:00 AM to 6:00PM at


Trials, Tribulations and Triumph!

Come hear the Ghanaian-American woman who advised President Clinton during his transition to the White House on stock market issues, and also laid the blueprint for Ghana’s own stock exchange.

Come hear one of Ghana’s most revered academics wax lyrical about fishermen and their ringtone obsessions.

Come and figure out what connections exist between crooked spinal cords and crooked political goons.

And come connect the dots between Kasapa’s( Ghanaian mobile phone company) show of love and Hawaiian pizza!

Preview the array of speakers @

Are you seriously going to miss this?

30 tickets remaining, but not for long.

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