
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 

Principals Name Commissioners- CREDIT AllAfrica

Harare — THE three principals to the Global Political Agreement met in Harare yesterday and agreed to the appointment of members of Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission and Zimbabwe Media Commission.

Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Misheck Sibanda announced the appointments yesterday after the meeting of President Mugabe, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara in the afternoon.

Their meeting came after a Cabinet meeting earlier in the morning.

In a statement yesterday, Dr Sibanda said the appointments followed consultations among the three principals on the list of names of candidates submitted by the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Standing Rules and Orders for appointment to ZEC, ZHRC and ZMC.

Former ZBC newscaster and Danhiko Project deputy director Mr Godfrey Majonga has been appointed ZMC chairperson.

He is being deputised by former Daily News editor and National University of Science and Technology lecturer Ms Nqobile Nyathi.