mPedigree.Net, Ghanaian Technology for Fighting Counterfeit Drugs Wins Prestigious Contest

Monday, November 15, 2010

One of the few heroes I have come to know, respect and work with is Mr. Bright Simons, IMANI’s Director of Development Research, associate of a and Founder of, (a company I’m a mere Evangelist of:)) makes us all proud again. This is what I call progress!

One of the few heroes I have come to know, respect and work with is Mr. Bright Simons, IMANI’s Director of Development Research, associate of a and Founder of, (a company I’m a mere Evangelist of:)) makes us all proud again. This is what I call progress!

And we certainly would have mentioned the Ghanaian Food and Drugs Board, who wanted more than enough time to learn of the technology, but then we certainly hope to begin a fresh start with them. A prophet may becoming home to roost after all. However, we are thankful to the Ghanaian FDB for supporting other initiatives.

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