Central Africa: China Calls for Enhanced Regional Co-operation

United Nations — China on Tuesday called on regional countries to enhance cooperation in order to deal with the threats and challenges facing Central Africa.

Wang Min, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, made the statement at an open Security Council meeting on the situation in Central Africa.

China has taken note of the spillover effect of the crisis in the Sahel, the reemergence of conflicts in eastern D.R. Congo, the lingering threats of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and the grave problem of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, said Wang.

"All these issues have negatively affected the regional security and brought many challenges to the realization of lasting peace in the regional countries. China is concerned about it," he said.

"We hope the international community will continue to pay attention to the Central African region and provide concrete assistance to relevant countries and regional organizations on the basis of fully respecting the national sovereignty," said the Chinese diplomat.

China also strongly condemns the LRA which continues its damaging operations in many countries. "We demand the LRA immediately drop their weapons, cease all hostilities and violence, and be disarmed," Wang said.

China appreciates the efforts made by regional countries in combating the LRA, and calls on the international community to enhance communication, coordinate actions and provide strong support for the efforts of countries concerned, he added.

As for the work of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa ( UNOCA), Wang said that China hopes it will keep up its good job of coordination and communication, push for synergy among efforts made by the UN system, regional organizations and countries, and make due contribution to the lasting peace and security in the region.


via FOCAC (Beijing)

Central Africa: China Calls for Enhanced Regional Co-operation

China on Tuesday called on regional countries to enhance cooperation in order to deal with the threats and challenges facing Central Africa.