European Development Fund Grants Euros 250 Million for Angola

Luanda — The European Development Fund provided more than 250 million Euros for the multi-annual cooperation programme (2008-2013) in Angola, said Thursday in Luanda, the EU ambassador Javier Puyol .

The EU ambassador in Angola was speaking shortly after signing the protocol for Conservation of Iona Park that was signed by the Angolan minister of Planning and Territorial Development, Job GraçaUnder this multi-year program are being implemented projects in various areas of rural development in the country.

As part of that project, the diplomat highlights areas such as demining, good governance, justice and institutional support, health, education, water and sanitation, human rights and assistance to non-state actors.

The European Union (EU) and the Republic of Angola had already signed a partnership agreement entitled "Angola and European Union joint path", which aims to raise to a new level the relations between them, by deepening political dialogue and bilateral cooperation in areas of common interest.

Regarding the National Biodiversity project for Conservation of Iona Park, it is a project that will enable the Angolan Government, through the Ministry of Environment, improving the integrated management of natural resources, to ensure the long term viability and diversity of its natural and cultural resources.

According to the European diplomat it will generate economic benefits for the improvement and guarantee of assistance of communities and thus contribute to poverty reduction and improvement of living conditions of the communities living on the perimeter of the project.

The Financial Convention, first that the European Union supports in terms of cooperation in the field of biodiversity conservation in Angola is estimated at Euros 10 million, equivalent to USD 10.7 million, one billion and 70 million kwanza.

This amount is the sharing of the Government of the Republic of Angola, the European Union, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP).


via Angola Press

European Development Fund Grants Euros 250 Million for Angola

The European Development Fund provided more than 250 million Euros for the multi-annual cooperation programme (2008-2013) in Angola