Senegal’s 91-year old ex-president to contest parliamentary seat in July election

Senegal’s former president Abdoulaye Wade, aged 91, will head a list of opposition candidates for parliament in an election to take place on July 30, according to aides.

The announcement was made on Monday night after a broad opposition coalition of more than 40 parties broke up, said supporters of Wade, who ruled the west African country from 2000 to 2012.

Some movements and associations in the coalition backed the mayor of Dakar, Khalifa Sall, who was jailed in March on suspicion of embezzlement but will still top a separate list of candidates, according to his supporters.

The deadline for submitting candidates in the poll expires overnight Tuesday. There is no age limit on people standing for parliament.

A parliamentary victory for the opposition to President Macky Sall would give Wade the means to obtain an amnesty for his son, Karim, who enjoyed considerable ministerial powers under his father, but was sentenced to six years in prison in 2015.

Karim Wade was also ordered to pay a fine of more than 210 million euros for “illicit enrichment”. He received a presidential pardon in June 2016 after a total of more than three years and now lives abroad. An amnesty would lift any doubts over his eligibility in politics, observers said. Read the news in full here.