The G7 is a forum for dialogue and consensus building at the highest level attended by the leaders of the world’s most important industrially advanced democracies. Italy currently holds the Presidency of the G7. Ahead of the meeting of Heads of State and Foreign Ministers of G7 countries, Italy’s Foreign Ministry and the Italian think tank, Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) invited 7 global think tanks to join in the discussions on Africa. IMANI Africa, represented by its Founding President, Franklin Cudjoe took part in the “G7 & Africa” High Level Panel on 05 May 2017. They discussed the future of mobility in Africa. Franklin shared insights on how globalisation, international trade, politics, technology and infrastructure will define the way Africans move and live in the short to long term.
In 2017 the G7 has set the following as its priority areas:
- Management of Human Mobility
- Stability in sub-Saharan Africa and the MENA Region
- Prevention of Terrorism
- Inclusive Growth
- Energy and Climate Change
- Food Security and Nutrition
- Health
- Women and Girls Economic Empowerment
- Education
- Production Innovation
- Knowledge-Based Capital and Enabling Infrastructures
- Future of Work and of Welfare Systems