The Soon-to-be Fall of the ANC

There is no doubt that we are witnessing the decline of South Africa’s liberation and governing party, the African National Congress (ANC). The data, and the general consensus amongst pundits are crystal clear; the party of Nelson Mandela is sinking.

I see the ANC’s decline as long overdue – and have echoed that the end of this corrupt party will symbolize the growth and maturity of our democracy.

My wonderful friend Dr. Ralph Mathekga, consolidates his views on the decline of the ANC in his very informative new book, titled “The ANC’s Last Decade – How the Decline of the Party will Transform South Africa”.

In this well-written, easy-to-read book, Mathekga argues that 2024 or 2029 will be the years the party loses power. The party’s current state of dysfunction, and how this dysfunction evolves shapes and will continue to shape South Africa’s political arena….

To read more, check full article on Politics Web.